This ability offers many benefits to the player. You can also use weapons against your enemies. You will experience some amazing effects in this game. He can change the form of anyone he likes. James Heller has the ability to change his face shape, which is a very unusual thing in this game. You can also download Grand Theft Auto IV Complete Edition. Heller is determined to get revenge on him. Alex Heller, another protagonist, is responsible for the death of Heller’s family. The black light virus claimed the death of James Heller’s family. James Heller is on the mission to eradicate the Blacklight virus. Prototype 2 will introduce a new protagonist. The game dishes these out at a fairly good rate.Comments Prototype 2 Free Download PC Game (Full Version) Prototype 2 Overview – Free Download James can make use of five special abilities that he can turn his hands into and you are always learning new mutations as you play. It is an action game that has shooting, hack and slashes action, and even a tad of stealth thrown in for good measure. The gameplay is the real stat of Prototype 2. I do feel that there is not any terrible or cringy voice acting, even if our boy James does have some serious tude going on! Make Me A Monster! The voice acting and sound design in the game is pretty solid and for what you could class as an older game now. It is like they were made and then just slapped into this game.

I only point these out as you see them all the time and they look terrible. The game has some very odd effects, especially the explosions. If I were a betting man, I would wager that much of what they have used is brought straight from the first game, especially the animations. On the whole Prototype 2 is not exactly an amazing looking game. The destroyed New York City has three different areas that make it up and they are all varied enough for me.

The story turns into a meathead action fest pretty quickly, but it is still a fun time. Alex bestows powers unto James and now he is out for major revenge on those who he feels have done him wrong. He sees the first games “hero” Alex Mercer and goes after him. Well, they get killed and this puts James well and truly over the edge.